Community Engagement

Raising a community


Many people play maternal roles in our society and their communities. Whether biological or adoptive mothers, teachers, health care providers, mentors, community leaders, advocates or trusted counselors, each carries a responsibility for our children and plays a role in raising a community.

The nurturing grace and deep commitment of these societal mothers is honored in many countries and cultures; and in many celebrated each year on a single day. But one day is not enough. They carry our collective future in their hands and do it 365 days a year.

Among us are nurturers accomplishing amazing feats against seemingly overwhelming odds.

That’s why we are committed to honoring and celebrating the people serving as mothers and maternal figures in our communities by sharing their inspiring stories.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the heavy burden our society places on those in this critical role. The cost has been devastating as women – particularly women of color – have been forced to choose between their own safety, their families’ economic needs and their roles as teachers and caregivers for those they love best.

For many, the only type of work available is in the lowest-wage jobs — those that lack paid leave, health insurance or childcare. Others have found it impossible to sustain a blend of paid work, remote schooling and domestic responsibilities. Still others – early childcare providers – have been supporting front line workers, taking care of others’ children for extended hours, while maintaining health safety protocols. The list is long and over the next several weeks, you’ll read more about the choices these inspiring people face every day.

In response, we invite all to consider an important question: What can we do to better support mothers in raising a community?

Celebrating Women Working for
Equitable Employment for Mothers

Celebrating Women Bolstering
the Leadership of Mothers


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