This piece was originally published on the Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance (KFLA) blog.
Whether it’s building healthier communities in New Mexico or supporting mothers of low-income families in Mississippi, Kellogg Fellows are working closely with local residents to encourage social equity, financial sustainability, food security and community development. They are also encouraging peaceful approaches toward societal challenges.

Three Sisters Kitchen considers healthy food a basic right
In Downtown Albuquerque, Anzia Bennett (CLN-1) is the director of Three Sisters Kitchen. This bright and professionally equipped space offers multigenerational, multilingual and community-based education that supports local food, nutrition and economic opportunities.
In this new article, Anzia explains how the recent KFLA Global Summit on Food Security benefited Three Sisters Kitchen and how she is collaborating with other CLN Kellogg Fellows in New Mexico and beyond.
“It was inspiring to be in a room full of people from around the world, who are committed to thinking about food systems, health, nutrition and food access,” says Anzia.

Magnolia Mother’s Trust supports low-income moms
For the first time in the United States, a guaranteed income program has been created for extremely low-income families headed by African American mothers living in affordable housing in Jackson, Mississippi.
Aisha Nyandoro, a Kellogg Fellow (CLN-1) and CEO of Springboard to Opportunities, partnered with Economic Security Project to develop the program.
“About two years ago, we realized our programs were not moving the needle on poverty,” says Aisha. “So, we did what we always do. We spoke with residents and asked what their families needed. Time and time again, we heard they needed access to cash — hard cash to do the everyday things that we take for granted.”
Learn about the program from Aisha, who says her Fellowship made her “unapologetically bold now. I am determined to do what I need to do for the families that we support.”

Fight fire with fire? Maybe we need new approach.
If we want to eliminate the rising radicalism in our society — whether it’s in our political language, gang violence, military interventions or regional conflicts — should we fight back against this fire with fire? Or, would we actually be better served by using water instead?
Kevin John Fong, a Kellogg Fellow (KNFP-14), explains why water is the superior choice in defusing fire.
In this article, he makes his case by applying his knowledge of The Five Elements, actual fire fighting methods and words by the global spiritualist and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh. He includes questions for reflection, which can be adapted to the many challenges we face today.