Community Engagement

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Screen from Molly of Denali

Creating Molly: The world of an Alaska Native girl

Molly of Denali is a wildly popular PBSKids animated show. The lead character, Molly, is a 10-year-old Alaska Native girl who embodies the values of her culture. Though intended for children ages 4-8, the show has struck a chord with families across the United States and Canada, with fans spanning all ages and many different cultural and racial backgrounds.  As a funder of Molly of Denali, WKKF is not involved in the editorial process, content decisions or making of the program. So, we sat down with the show’s executive producer and creative producer, Dorothea Gillim and Yatibaey Evans, to learn

NM Voices for Children inequities in language

Importance of language access

in brief A report from New Mexico Voices For Children (NMVC) brings awareness to racial inequities in language access that are creating barriers to economic security, housing security, education and health care during the pandemic for Asian, Pacific Islander (API) and African immigrant and refugee communities in New Mexico during the pandemic. Through multi-language surveys and interviews, the study documents the experiences of New Mexico’s diverse refugee and immigrant communities to understand how the pandemic has affected them to inform equity-based policies. Findings show that sixty-five percent had a family member who lost work since the beginning of the pandemic

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